O Holy One, You are from the beginning
Who Heaven sent to be born of Mary
Into a cold, dark world.
We await your coming once again this Advent Season
To be Heaven’s gift to a lonely people
In need of a Savior who will re-unite with God.
Husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters,
And people of all nations in unity seeking and worshipping.
One Holy God, One Blessed Savior Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Holy One, are you waiting too this Advent Season?
Do you wait for us to offer you our hearts

That you may love in and through us?
Do you wait for us to offer you our mouths
That you may speak of your peace, love, and justice
Which is your Gospel?
Do you wait for us to offer you our hands
That you may work among and raise up
The poor and broken that they may be
Touched by hope and dignity and pride
That they may see themselves as “Image of God”
And children of the promise?
Do you wait for us to offer you our feet
That they may take you where you would go?
Do you wait for us to offer you our minds

That you might fill us with your wisdom?
Do you wait for us to offer you our resources
That you might feed the hungry
Clothe the naked and shelter the poor?
Do you wait for us to become a people of faith
That all people will be one in unity
Seeking and worshipping One Holy God
One Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ Our Lord?
Through your grace, we will say
“Here we are.”
Reference: Augusta Robel, unpublished.
Image 1: Madonna del Parto fresco by Taddeo Gaddi (1290-1366) at Chiesa di San Francesco di Paola in Florence, Italy.
Image 2: Pregnant Mary, Iglesia Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor, in Toro, Spain.
Image 3: Madonna del Parto of Monterchi by Piero della Francesco, fresco circa 1460, Museo della Madonna del Parto of Monterchi, Tuscany, Italy.
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