All-powerful God, we thank you, as we are finding ourselves alive in this gorgeous universe and blessed by Your presence today. We know that You extend Your presence both to the smallest of creatures and to the vastness of our ever-unfolding Universe Story.
When we look deeply at the spiraling celestial stars at night, we could almost get lost or feel dizzy as we gaze into the boundlessness of our immense universe. Creator God, we praise You for the beauty of the expanding cosmos – the spinning knots of stars and blue shadow moons and circling planets and spiraling galaxies.

Grant that we may journey through this world lightly, as we engage in our colossal pilgrimage intimately and with wonder. Pour out upon us Your love and inspire us to reach out to protect the community of life on Earth in a sustainable manner. And, as our lives unfold within this interconnectedness, create within us the energy needed to truly co-create the ongoing essence of the universe.
God of the Cosmos, teach us to integrate our lives into an evolutionary faith that honors the worth of each part of the web of life. Continue to fill us with a sense of wonder and awe, as we contemplate how we are profoundly united with all that was and is and will be.
We ask all of this in the name of Jesus the Christ. + AMEN.
Copyright © 2024, Julie Henkener, https://juliehenkener.com.
Links to other prayers by Julie: Prayer of Seeking and Weaving, Prayer for a Wholly Life, and Prayer Against Envy and Jealousy.
Image1: NGC 7496, James Webb Space Telescope, NASA, 2024.
Image 2: NGC 346, James Webb Space Telescope, NASA, 2024.
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