God of healing and miracles, we bring our weakness, brokenness and hunger for wholeness to You. We do not always know exactly what to pray for, but we bring our hands and hearts, our minds and souls to you completely.
Healing Spirit, You make everything holy and whole. Come and heal the shattered places within us and around us – those shards painfully scattered in our innermost selves and across the globe. And bring us closer to You in completeness, knitting us together in spirit, soul, and body, surrounded by Your peace that surpasses all understanding.
Jesus, heal us of the demonic tearing apart that happens in our experiences of woundedness, and integrate our fractured selves into wholly selves. Save us from the pseudo-wholeness of our constant need to be perfect. Help us to truly want to change and be healed, and then send us the courage to face our shadows.
We also express our desire for intimacy with You, as You sustain us always, breath by breath, heartbeat by heartbeat. May this intimacy serve as a crucible of wholeness that will enable us to be radically open to the mysterious process of transformation. In this way, may such intimacy lead us to incarnate Your healing presence in our interactions with others in our daily lives.
Bind up our wounds and bear us aloft, so that we can accept and connect all parts of ourselves in Christ, who unites all of us in a Wholly Life. We pray for open heartedness and resilience and the awareness of the divine sparks of inspiration within us. May we be made whole again through the power of Your Spirit. We ask for this integration of our lives toward wholliness, in the name of Jesus Christ. + AMEN.
Copyright © 2024, Julie Henkener, https://juliehenkener.com.
Links to other prayers by Julie: Prayer for the Universe, Prayer of Seeking and Weaving and Prayer Against Envy and Jealousy.
Image: Javier Bedrina, https://www.flickr.com/photos/jbedrina/26240832884/, May 6, 2016.
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