Most Holy One, we thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed on us in our lives. When we look at the ways others have been gifted by you and seek to compare them to ourselves, grant that we may reach first for gratitude as an antidote. Keep us from fixating on their achievements and attributes, instead of focusing on who we ourselves are and what we are uniquely called to do.
Merciful God, forgive us for our feelings of envy and jealousy that are so detrimental to our health and well-being. Open the inner eyes of our hearts to be able to recognize envy when it appears. And give us the humility to keep our feet and hands and hearts always firmly attached to Earth.
Help us to truly rejoice and celebrate the successes of our friends and family. Free us from the envy and blind jealousy that sometimes burden and incapacitate us and instead, fill us with the wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit.
God of Abundance, help us not to fall in love with our possessions. Instead, turn us away from attachments to too many material goods. Let our hearts be centered on our heavenly inheritance, rather than on the things of this world. Give us insight to make mature choices that will control our desires and grant us the strength to be at peace with our lives.
Lead us into balance and moderation, especially in our closest relationships, while helping us to maintain a healthy zest for living with what we have been given. Give us a calm gratitude and contentment for all that we are and all that we have, a thought pattern which comes only through Your grace. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. + AMEN.
Copyright © 2024, Julie Henkener, https://juliehenkener.com.
Links to other prayers by Julie: Prayer for the Universe, Prayer for a Wholly Life, and Prayer of Seeking and Weaving
Image: Brett Jordan and Karolina Grabowska, https://www.flickr.com/photos/x1brett/23095973902/ November 18, 2015.
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